Loyalty Membership
Cards and Key Tags

Build Your Customer Relationships With a Loyalty Program

Membership card programs prove to be a more effective marketing strategy compared to digital membership programs because they are a tangible reminder of your business. Utilize our barcoded and/or magnetic stripe technology to help strengthen your relationship with your customers and make a long-lasting impression.

custom loyalty cards

Custom Loyalty Cards & Membership Cards

Our custom-made membership cards act as miniature billboards, effectively promoting and reinforcing your brand identity.

Vanguard ID Systems offers a range of options to foster customer relationships at your business, making it easier than ever before. With our loyalty membership cards, including standard cards, key tags, and combination packs, you have a variety of tools at your disposal to engage your customers and differentiate yourself from competitors. 

custom loyalty cards for retail and restaurants
custom loyalty cards
custom loyalty cards

Teslin, PVC, and Paper Loyalty Cards

Vanguard ID Systems’ offers custom die-cut cards and key tags to ensure your bespoke loyalty cards and membership cards match your brand identity perfectly.

Our Technology





magnetic stripe gym card

Magnetic Stripe

Loyalty membership cards
Loyalty membership cards
Vanguard ID Systems - Leading manufacturer in custom card solutions and RFID technology

Over 30 Years Experience...

In 1987Richard Warther, CEO of Vanguard ID Systems invented the barcoded key tag. Since then, we have leveraged our extensive expertise in barcodes and magnetic stripe technology to provide high-quality customized card solutions.

Vanguard ID Systems is also a leading manufacturer in RFID technology and tag agnostics to provide high-quality personalized RFID product labels, tags, and cards that cater to your distinct requirements. With a wide range of over 200 form factors and the flexibility to tailor our solutions to your specific size and shape preferences, we stand out as a leading manufacturer of custom RFID technology solutions.

of consumers will favor a brand if there is a loyalty program.
1 %
of a company’s revenue comes from the repeat business of existing customers.
1 %
more incremental revenue growth per year from members than non-members.
1 %

Specialty Services

Custom Die-Cutting

Custom Design Services

Rush Printing

Frequently Asked Questions About Loyalty Programs

Most frequent questions and answers

Loyalty programs offer rewards, discounts, and other special incentives as a way to attract and retain customers.

Because it’s 5-25x more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one. Loyalty programs help you establish connections with your customers while enhancing their lifetime value. By offering a points-based system, it encourages them to visit your store more often.

When you work with Vanguard ID Systems, we ensure your loyalty membership cards match your brand colors and design. 

Loyalty programs are highly effective:

  • 65% of a company’s revenue comes from the repeat business of existing customers.
  • 57% of consumers spend more on brands that they are loyal to.
  • 95% of consumers with retail subscriptions who feel close to brands say they will purchase more products from them, as do 95% of consumers who participate in loyalty programs who feel close to those brands.
  • 84% of consumers say they’re more likely to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program.
  • 68% of consumers said they’d join a customer loyalty program for brands they like.
  • More than half of the most loyal customers actively recommend brands to others.
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