Author name: Vanguard ID Systems

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month
Library Cards

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

Each September, the American Library Association observes Library Card Sign-Up Month in collaboration with libraries nationwide, aiming to motivate individuals to explore their local libraries. Libraries today provide their community with more than just books. They offer resources, programs, and opportunities that can all be accessed by signing up for a library card.

What You Need to Know About RFID for Access Control

What You Need to Know About RFID for Access Control

RFID access control systems are essential to protect your organization, assets, and sensitive information.  These systems enable more streamlined management, regardless of the scale or nature of your organization, enhancing efficiency and security.

How RFID is Being Used in Schools

How RFID is Being Used in Schools

An impressive progress in the field of education is the integration of RFID technology in schools. This innovative technology greatly improves school management systems and provides a wide range of advantages for students and teachers alike.

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency: Shifting from Barcodes to RFID Technology

Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency: Shifting from Barcodes to RFID

When was the last time you revisited the technologies driving your supply chain? In a sector where precision and efficiency are necessities, clinging to outdated methods can be a strategic misstep. As we unpack the shift from traditional barcoding to the dynamic capabilities of RFID technology, consider this as a potential pivoting point for your operational strategies.

What Car Wash Owners Need to Know About RFID Technology

What Car Wash Owners Need to Know About RFID Technology

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is revolutionizing the car wash industry by utilizing unique tags and radio waves to track and identify vehicles. This innovation allows for effortless entry and payment processing for car wash owners, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue growth.

5 Benefits to Having a Gift Card Program
Gift Cards

5 Benefits to Having a Gift Card Program

By incorporating a gift card program into your marketing strategy, you can attract a wider range of potential customers, foster stronger connections with existing customers, and enhance both your profitability and brand recognition. In this article, we will discuss the diverse benefits that gift cards bring to your business.

Active vs Passive RFID Tags: What’s the Difference?

Active vs Passive RFID Tags: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered how a seemingly simple sticker on a library book can hold so much information about its whereabouts? Or how do logistics companies keep track of thousands of packages moving worldwide? The answer is RFID technology, an invisible yet impactful instrument.

Customer Retention: The Key to Business Success

Customer Retention: The Key to Business Success

Customer retention plays a crucial role in the expansion of any business. While acquiring customers is essential, maintaining their loyalty reduces customer acquisition costs (CAC) and enhances overall profitability. Keep in mind that 65% of the average company’s revenue comes from existing customers as we go over customer retention strategies that you can implement into your overall marketing strategy.

RFID is Driving the Healthcare Industry: Here's How

RFID is Driving the Healthcare Industry: Here’s How

RFID technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare sector. By enhancing inventory management, patient safety, workflow optimization, and overall care quality, RFID technology can bring significant improvements to the healthcare industry. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of utilizing RFID in healthcare.

4 Ways to Help You Design the Best Business Card

4 Ways to Help You Design the Best Business Card

The business card is a time-honored method to share your business’s contact information, but times are changing. It’s disheartening to know that most business cards are discarded within a week, and you certainly don’t want to be among those forgotten ones.

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