Gift Card Marketing: How to Maximize Profits For Your Business

Gift Card Marketing: How to Maximize Profits For Your Business

Gift cards, also known as gift vouchers or gift certificates, have been the perfect gift for decades now with 52% of consumers purchasing gift cards because they see them as convenient.

Plastic gift cards are a powerful tool for boosting brand visibility, attracting new customers, and driving sales. Although reaching out to Vanguard ID Systems for custom gift cards is a great first step, creating a strong marketing strategy is crucial to maximize your profits. Here’s your complete guide to gift card marketing.

Gift cards can maximize your ROI

Maximizing your return on investment means you need to have a deep understanding of your target audience, your acquisition costs, the lifetime value of a customer, and more. By delving into each of these areas, you can learn what needs improvement and what you’re excelling in. A well-executed marketing strategy includes social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, and gift card marketing.

What is gift card marketing?

Gift card marketing involves leveraging various marketing strategies to promote and sell your gift cards effectively. It goes beyond simply displaying gift cards at the checkout for customers to notice.

Gift card marketing is about actively promoting your gift cards through email marketing campaigns, providing special offers, highlighting them on social media platforms, and engaging in conversations with customers about their benefits.

Offer gift card promotions

Providing promotions is an effective strategy for marketing your gift cards and connecting with your customers. For instance, if a customer purchases a $100 gift card for a friend, you might offer them a $25 gift card as a bonus.

Additionally, gift cards can serve to enhance customer loyalty and express gratitude. Collecting customers’ birthdays, you can send them a gift card to celebrate their special day. This approach fosters a sense of community among your customers, ultimately boosting their lifetime value and loyalty to your brand.

Email and social media can help you sell gift cards

Your loyal customers are the backbone of your business. Did you know acquiring a new customer can cost five to seven times more than retaining a current one? Concentrating on your existing customer base is not only more cost-effective, but it also allows you to leverage your customers as brand ambassadors. Develop a tailored marketing campaign utilizing email and social media to promote your gift cards and build a community.

Take advantage of holidays year-round

Although 64% of U.S. consumers purchase gift cards as holiday presents during the Christmas season, there are still opportunities to capitalize on other holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and even Halloween. It’s important to remember that gift card marketing is making sure your customers never forget that you offer gift cards, so never stop promoting them!

Reward your most loyal customers

Customer retention plays a crucial role in the expansion of any business. So how do I make sure my customers keep coming back? You offer a robust rewards program! Consider designing a tiered loyalty system that provides various valuable incentives, such as discounts, gift cards, and exclusive offers.

Gift card placement: use it wisely

It is a common practice to position gift cards near the checkout area. While this is an effective location, it is important to remember that there are numerous other areas within the store that can be utilized.

Consider implementing strategic placements throughout your store, such as at the entrance, in the window displays, and design a dedicated end cap specifically for gift cards.

Offering custom-designed plastic gift cards

While generic gift cards are still effective, custom-designed gift cards provide an even greater advantage. Think about your gift card as a tiny billboard, reflecting your brand and business.

Vanguard ID Systems specializes in fully customized gift cards made from TESLIN®, a material that is ten times more durable than other synthetic alternatives, ensuring a longer lifespan for your cards. We also have a skilled design team that is available to help you create a unique and personalized design that enhances brand recognition and drives profitability.

Vanguard ID Systems is a leading manufacturer specializing in custom-made card solutions and RFID technology. Our range of custom card solutions includes gift cards, loyalty cards, and direct mailers, all of which can effectively enhance the exposure of your brand and attract a wider customer base. Our RFID technology solutions are designed specifically for your business needs, enabling you to enhance efficiency and profitability throughout your organization. Our personalized RFID solutions include labels for inventory management and asset tracking, and bands and cards for access control to name a few key areas. Contact one of our Vanguard ID Systems Technical Representatives today at 1-800-323-7432 or email us at

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